Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gunk Goo Gone

Today's post isn't so much about organization as cleaning, but I want to share this tip with you anyway. Do you get this gunky black stuff on your outside windows and doors? I hope it's not just me, but over the years, it just seems to grow and nothing I've tried gets rid of it.

Until now! I bought Goo Gone for when I was trying to remove scout badges for a shirt. It smells nasty and I've avoided using it much, but it occurred to me today, while cleaning the exterior windows and doors, to try it on this gunk.

I sprayed it on, let it sit for several minutes (that's key, you have to let it sit a bit) and then loosened it with a rag and soapy water. Then, blasted it with a hose on full force. Whalah!

Gunk is gone! Now, some of the gunk on the caulk, didn't fully come off, but I'm pleased with the results. The Goo Gone is really oily and you have to thoroughly wash the doors and windows afterward, but this really made a big difference! If you have gunk, try it!

P.S. If someone tells you to use that Magic sticky stuff to hold your scout badges on the shirt -- grab your Goo Gone and run! It's TOTALLY not worth it!

1 comment:

  1. I am going to try this on the greasy blackness near my door hinges. thanks for the post
